Oulipost #28: Melting Snowball

interpersonal restrictions

comfortable separation

launching messages outside

guilty space







Kim, Eun Kyung. “Seeing clearly: Discovering I had a cataract at 42 was an eye-opening experience.” Chicago Tribune digitalPLUS magazine. 28 April 2014: 9.

Manchir, Michelle. “Payout at ISU spurs protests: Students, staff seek details in president’s $480,000 exit deal.” Chicago Tribune. 28 April 2014:1.

The prompt:
A text in which each word has one letter less than the preceding one, and the last word only one letter. From your newspaper, select a starting word, and then continue adding words of decreasing length from the same source article or passage. Challenge yourself further by only using words in order as you encounter them in the text.




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